

The 7 killer traits of a ROCKSTAR Project Manager – a CIO’s checklist

A CIO sprang this on me this week. “David, what makes a great Project Manager?” It’s one of those questions that you answer instinctively – great organiser, they deliver projects within deadline and budget, good communication skills, etc, etc. All true but I was a little disappointed by my instinctive, off the hip answer – […]

The 7 killer traits of a ROCKSTAR Project Manager – a CIO’s checklist Read More »


You have no new massages – A deep tissue lesson for IT Project Managers

My Project Manager friend, Colette came back from her lunchtime massage today, not as relaxed as she normally does. “Well that’s a good way to lose potential business!” she said. The story she then told me has lessons for project management teams and as it is also quite funny, I will share it with you.

You have no new massages – A deep tissue lesson for IT Project Managers Read More »

Are you passionately curious? It’s IT Project Management’s success secret, and size matters

Why do some projects stir a passion within you and others leave you less revved up? Could unlocking the secret lead to fewer IT Project failures? It’s true, isn’t it? The more passionate about a task you are, the more likely you are to succeed. Even doing the dishes can be a chore or a

Are you passionately curious? It’s IT Project Management’s success secret, and size matters Read More »