Category: Project Scope
The trouble with Project Schedules
Why is it that one of the most difficult aspects of managing a project is maintaining the schedule. And why is it that many project managers will move heaven and earth to keep their project in line with the project schedule. That rather suggests that there is a problem with the way we use a…
Time for greater emphasis on IT Project WOMANagement?
A blog looking at the representation and effectivity of women in Project Management. So, do women make better project leaders? I diplomatically answer this by saying that ‘great project leaders make great project leaders’, I.e., it doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman if you’ve got it – you’ve got it.
A poor workman blames his tools – is this true in IT project management?
“It’s a poor workman who blames his tools.” I heard this, for the first time in years, during the analysis of why an IT Project had failed to deliver. It got me thinking. Is it true? Is Project success more a product of the skills of a project team…
You have no new massages – A deep tissue lesson for IT Project Managers
My Project Manager friend, Colette came back from her lunchtime massage today, not as relaxed as she normally does. “Well that’s a good way to lose potential business!” she said. The story she then told me has lessons for project management teams and as it is also quite funny, I will share it with you.…
Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good Projects?
I was inspired by a recent Facebook post by a friend who asked, in a status update, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Within minutes, dozens of replies appeared, all along the lines of “You OK hun?” or “How can I help?”. She’s fine by the way, just wondering why despite best efforts,…
7 Reasons why IT Project Managers were born to blog
“You’re so passionate about Project Management, you should write a blog about it,” one of my colleagues said a couple of years back. That’s how it started. I wrote one blog and then, having found it quite enjoyable, I wrote a second and then a third. I got some nice feedback, got shared, had a…
Straight Talk on Project Management VOLUME II – Free E-Book
With the success of my first eBook, I am delighted to publish Volume II. The book covers a wealth of topics from Stonseed’s Project Management as a Service and our IT services, to an array Project and Programme Management issues. Volume II of Straight Talk on Project Management is now available for download as an…
WARNING! Don’t ignore the IT project warning signs
I was sitting on the M1 in traffic the other day, the gantry lights above were displaying a huge red X above the inside lane, signifying that it was closed due to an accident. Most cars got over into another lane as soon as it was safe for them to do so. However, three lorries…
How To Hire Best Fit IT Talent. The 7 Step Strategic Partner Checklist
Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh once estimated that bad hires had cost his firm company “well over $100 million”. Almost half of hiring/HR managers (41%) believe that bad hires have cost their firms “thousands” and the U.S. Department of Labour puts the price of a bad hire at least 30% of the employee’s first-year earning. However,…
6 Golden Rules of Project Management
A project manager’s position carries a lot of responsibilities, and for those who find themselves in this position for the first time in their career, there are many challenges that lie ahead. However, you will gradually get used to it, and become more efficient with every subsequent project. Since project management is a very important…