Author: MS

  • The Yin and Yang of Project Management

    The Yin and Yang of Project Management

    Project management can sometimes seem to be a job of opposites – sometimes sitting in front of your screen preparing project plans, documentation and reports. But at other times you’re out and about sorting out problems that could impact the project’s success or diplomatically resolving personality clashes that could lead to a crisis. And whether…

  • How Business Analysts Can Deal With Cultural Differences

    How Business Analysts Can Deal With Cultural Differences

    Many businesses are increasingly operating in a global work environment; using the best teams and people from a variety of regions and countries to complete their projects. In this way they can draw on strengths from certain groups and also minimise costs. Consequently more and more people are working with remote colleagues and collaborating with…

  • Project Management Burnout – How To Combat It

    Project Management Burnout – How To Combat It

    There are few project managers who haven’t had to deal with some levels of stress or burnout during their working life, no matter how much experience they have in the field or how many qualifications they have. Project management is a highly demanding and fast paced job, so this should unfortunately come as little surprise.…

  • Why You Do Need “Soft” Skills in Project Management

    Why You Do Need “Soft” Skills in Project Management

    Project Managers are more and more concentrating on obtaining recognised qualifications in project management such as the APM PMQ, PMP or PRINCE2 accreditations in order to open up more career opportunities and progress in this increasingly professional career choice, but does this trend mean that project managers are neglecting the interpersonal side of their role…

  • Does A Project Need to be Perfect to be Successful?

    Does A Project Need to be Perfect to be Successful?

    Everyone likes the idea of perfection – the perfect holiday, the perfect house or the perfect job – but, in reality, we might want these things to be perfect, we might try and convince ourselves that they are perfect but they rarely are. And the same could be said for any project that we have…

  • Are you eligible for PMP certification?

    Are you eligible for PMP certification?

    Getting certified is a great step in any project manager’s career. As an internationally recognised and popular certification, many project managers look to the PMP Certification as a worthwhile route to professional excellence. However, before you can start working on the course you will need to find out if you are eligible as a candidate.…

  • Business trends to look out for in the coming year

    Business trends to look out for in the coming year

    As we get closer to the end of another year, it’s time to start thinking about how we are going to better our business throughout the coming year. After all, with every year that passes by, there are new trends and technologies that emerge. With that in mind, read on to discover some of the…

  • The trouble with Project Schedules

    The trouble with Project Schedules

    Why is it that one of the most difficult aspects of managing a project is maintaining the schedule. And why is it that many project managers will move heaven and earth to keep their project in line with the project schedule. That rather suggests that there is a problem with the way we use a…

  • Ten QA Tips for Project Managers

    Ten QA Tips for Project Managers

    Quality Assurance is the process concerned with monitoring the quality of all aspects of a project so that the final product fulfils all requirements. So QA is performed before the product is finished – it is an essential part of project management and one of the factors that will determine whether the project is a…

  • Goals, milestones, aims and objectives

    In the English language the terms goals, aims, missions and objectives all mean essentially the same thing and are used interchangeably in business and in everyday life. But frequently in a project management environment they are used to distinguish between long-term and short-term targets. On project management courses they often talk about the importance of…